Best University in Punjab, North India | CT University CTU, Ludhiana | CT GROUP

CT Group is the establishment of the  CT Educational Society in the year 1997. CT Group have various Colleges/Institutions, Schools & one University at  Ludhiana, PUNJAB.Further there are two instituions at different places in Jalandhar i.e Shahpur & Maqsudan Campus.There are 16 Professional Institutes affiliated to Govt. Universities like Punjab Technical University aka PTU &these institutes offers various courses including Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Architecture & Design, Hotel Management aka HM & Aireline Tourism, Sciences, Arts, Commerce, Education & many more...

Till now  CT Group  has over 10,000 full time enrolled students belonging to various states of India & around 15 countries across the globe. The Group's unrelenting commitment to offering quality education is reflected by certifications by apex bodies like ISO & NAAC bestowned by the renowned organization such as IBM, Brands Impact, Higher Education Forum etc.

Mr. Manbir Singh                                                   Mr. Harpreet Singh
Managing Director                                                   Vice Chairman
CT Group, Jalandhar                                                CT Group, Jalndhar

He is involved in intiatives to achieve                    A Young Leader, deeply involved in various
organizational, operational, financial &                  activities of the Group, providing strategic support
quality growth steategies of CT Group                   & valuable inputs to the Chairman, in his efforts to
of institutions.                                                          maneuver CT to greater heights. 


CT University aka CTU strives to provide a technologically, ultra-modern, academically & socialy vibrant campus that offers a safe & supportive educational environment for all.
CTU's multi-disciplinary curriculum leads students towards a strong foundation in the discipline of Design & Innovation, Humanities & Linguistics, Natural Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Pharmaceutical & Allied Medical Sciences, Education & Sport Sciences, Management, HM, Airlines & Tourism while enabling them to expertise in their own field.


To be a leading contributor to world having the higher education system with transformative impact in research, innovation, creativity & enterpreneurship.

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For more info:

Address: CT University, Ferozepur Road, Sidhwan Khurd

Pincode: 142024

Phone:TOLL FREE 1800-137-7777 

             +91-9914511016 (Whatsapp)





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